[PDF] Model Tenancy Act 2022 PDF free Download

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Model Tenancy Act 2022

The Model Tenancy Act of 2022 is a bill that was introduced in the United States

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the Model Tenancy Act 2022 for distribution to all States and Union Territories for adaption by adopting new legislation or changing current rental laws as needed.

It will assist in the revision of the legal structure governing rental housing across the country, which will aid in the country’s general growth.

Main Goal of the Model Tenancy Act of 2022

The Model Tenancy Act intends to make the rental housing market in the United States more vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive. It will allow for the development of adequate rental housing supply for people of various income levels, thereby solving the problem of homelessness. The Model Tenancy Act will allow rental housing to be institutionalized by progressively moving it into the formal market.

The Model Tenancy Act will make it easier to turn vacant houses into rental housing. It is expected to give private investment in rental housing a boost as a business model for tackling the massive housing shortage.

Unless otherwise agreed in the tenancy agreement, the landlord is responsible for activities such as structural repairs, except those necessitated by damage caused by the tenant, whitewashing of walls and painting of doors and windows, changing and maintaining plumbing pipes, and internal and external electrical wiring and related maintenance.

A renter will be responsible for cleaning drains, replacing switches and sockets, repairing kitchen fixtures, replacing glass panels in windows and doors, and maintaining gardens and open spaces, among other things.

Model Tenancy Act 2022

Download Model Tenancy Act 2022 PDF – Union Cabinet Model Tenancy Act free Download at mohua.gov.in.

Published Date June 3, 2022
Category Government
Page Count 28
PDF File Size 0.96 MB
File Language English
Original File Source mohua.gov.in

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